Full Moon and New Moon Shamanic Ritual

Next Full Moon Event: Tuesday, April 23 @ 7 pm ET
Next New Moon Event: Tuesday, May 7 @ 7 pm ET
Online Zoom call
Pay what you can below to register for the next event!

Moon Rituals

Moon rituals are an ancient and sacred practice that originated in Egypt, Babylonia, India, and China where moon worship was a part of the culture. The phases of the moon influence the growth or decline of plants, animals, tides, and human life.

Today, moon ritual carries just as much sacredness and brings a beautifully primal spiritual practice into the modern world. It is something we desperately need in our always-looking-at-a-screen way of life, and when life itself is often filled with challenges, heartbreak, and despair.

The beautiful thing about rituals, especially those related to the moon, is that they invite you to get quiet. They ask you to plant seeds of sacred intention and be one with the energy of our environment.

And while there are 8 phases of the moon, the most potent phases are the new moon and the full moon.

About the Full Moon

In essence, full moons are nourishing. Think about it: the moon, symbolic of the feminine, receives the light of the sun, shining it back to us with illumination. When the moon is full, its strong gravitational pull on the Earth makes for a time of peak creative energy and incredibly powerful intuitive breakthroughs. It is about embodiment. The full moon accentuates everything that you have been working on during the waxing phase. Take time to reflect on what the full moon brings up for you. Get outside at night and let the light of the moon shine upon you. Let her light nourish your soul.

About the New Moon

This happens when the sun and moon come into alignment; when the yang (masculine) energy of the sun merges with the yin (feminine) essence of the moon. During this phase, the moon and the sun conjoin in the sky (align at the same degree astrologically). When this happens, energetically, it’s time to get still and plant new seeds of desire. During a new moon, it serves us to breathe new life into any area of stagnation or any place in your life where you would like to impact positive change.

"When I admire the wonders of a sunset or the beauty of the moon, my soul expands in the worship of the Creator."

- Mahatma Gandhi

What are Moon Rituals?

Making your own ritual is simply a matter of creating a set of practices you commit to doing during every moon phases. It could be as simple as meditating, taking a yoga class, taking a bath, or writing a list.

It can be as elaborate as creating a space, smudging your entire apartment, to connect and honored yourself to deep work these astral elements like we propose.


The moon is the closest astronomical body to Earth and has a profound effect on us. The moon represents the feminine, emotional, creative, and nurturing aspects of our lives so it is the perfect time to check-in with these aspects of yourself.

One complete cycle of the moon takes exactly 28 days to complete, radiating her energy to us in cycles of waxing and waning, bringing in and releasing, ebbing, and flowing.

A Full Moon Ritual

When the full moon arrives, it is time to create space to take stock of what has and has not come to fruition just yet.

A full moon ritual is a time to get quiet, reflect, and celebrate. Unlike the new moon, the full moon represents fruitfulness and completeness and brings with it a lot of energy. It is the time to release anything that no longer serves you, things that you no longer wish for or need in life or anything you feel you may have outgrown. 

(This event is a Full Moon Ritual)

A New Moon Ritual

The new moon is a blank page, a fresh start, a moment to turn inward and consider what we want to call into our lives and what we need to let go of. An energy of new possibilities so it is the perfect time to set intentions for what you want to bring into your life. 

Meet Your Host

Laetitia "ChononSoi"


Laetitia began studying traditional Amazonian medicine in 2010 followed by several long traditional diets immersed in the Amazon rainforest. She studied with different Shipibo Shamans in Europe and Peru becoming familiar with many Amazonian and European plant teachers. 

She lived in the jungles of Peru for 7 years, as well as with the Mayan tribes in Mexico, over the years improving her techniques in traditional medicine in community Shipibo and in different Centres of Medicine.

She also co-founded a Shamanic Healing Center, specializing in Amazonian plants, in Tarapoto, Peru in 2015. Now, leading several Shipibo, Cacao and CBD retreat groups in Peru and around the world.

As a certified Reiki Master and Sound Healer, she uses different instrument such as drum, Jew harps, and crystal bowls for working with the vibration of the body: the chakras, and all the energies of healing.

"The best investment you can make, is in yourself".

- Warren Buffet

What you can expect during this circle

  • Guided meditation
  • Oracle card Moonology
  • Journaling with the use of sacred intentions
  • Work with the astrological sign of the Full Moon
  • Cacao Blessing
  • Sound bath

Next Ceremony Date

Full Moon: Tuesday, April 23 @ 7 pm ET

New Moon: Tuesday, May 7 @ 7 pm ET


Online Zoom call

Pay what you can below to register for the next event!

Choose below your payment then at checkout you will choose the Full Moon or New Moon Ceremony. 

After your registration, you will receive a discount code and playlist of music to integrate and be awake on your journey.

Regular Price
