Develop Your Spirit Self

Mini Cacao and Sound Bath Ceremony


Next Event: Wednesday, May 8th at 7:30 pm (EST)



Join Shaman Laetitia ChononSoi in a FREE 30-minute mini ceremony with a cacao blessing & sound bath.

Harmonize your physical and psychic bodies & relax and calm your mind.

Learn how to integrate the power of Cacao into your personal development regime and increase your levels of energy!

Sound Bath Therapy and vibrations emanating from the crystal singing bowls re-tune the listener's body, initially by opening, clearing and re-balancing each of the 7 major Chakras. It has been scientifically established that each of these chakras or energy centers are associated with a musical note or vibrational frequency.


Soundbath is an experience where specifically tuned instruments are used for the creation of a deep state of relaxation, harmonizing our bodies and minds. It is a journey guided by sound, which takes you into a meditative or entranced state where deep emotional processing and release can occur, deep-seated stress can be released and the spirit can travel unobstructed. During our event you can expect to hear our voices, crystal singing bowls, tibetan tingshas, shruti box, hand drums,and other amazing sound making tools. All our instruments are on 432hz, the sacred frequency.


Benefits of Cacao and Sound Healing

  • Normalization of blood pressure
  • Improving stress-related disorders and anxiety
  • Improved sleep
  • Balance of the immune system
  • Stimulation of energy
  • Self-confidence, assertiveness, and clarity
  • Improved concentration and creativity

Shaman Laetitia "ChononSoi"

Laetitia began studying traditional Amazonian medicine in 2010 followed by several long traditional diets immersed in the Amazon rainforest. She studied with different Shipibo Shamans in Europe and Peru becoming familiar with many Amazonian and European plant teachers. 

She lived in the jungles of Peru for 7 years, as well as with the Mayan tribes, in Mexico, over the years improving her techniques in traditional medicine in community Shipibo and in different Centres of Medicine.

She also co-founded a Shamanic Healing Center, specializing in Amazonian plants, in Tarapoto, Peru in 2015. Now, leading several Shipibo, Cacao and CBD retreat groups in Peru and around the world.

As a certified Reiki Master and Sound Healer, she uses different instrument such as drum, Jew harps, and crystal bowls for working with the vibration of the body: the chakras, and all the energies of healing.

Register for this free online mini Ceremony

The Ceremony will be held over Zoom, and you will be emailed the link once registered. 

Next Event: Wednesday, May 8th @ 7:30 pm EST
The registration email will include helpful tips like having a quiet comfortable space, so check your email after you register!

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. You can join the ceremony from any device. The bigger the screen the easier to see, so we recommend a computer if possible.

Headphones are not necessary. Though they may be more enjoyable to use, so if you have some handy plug them in :)

We recommend you eat light or not at all beforehand. It is best to wait till after the ceremony to enjoy your meal.