Wednesday, May 17th, 8 pm 

in Erin, Ontario 

Space limited to 8 people


What is a sound bath?

A Sound Healing Bath is an immersion of vibration, frequency and resonance. With instruments specifically tuned to 432 Hertz, it creates a state of deep relaxation, for the harmonization of our body, mind and soul.

The frequency of 432 Hertz is known as the frequency of the Universe. Using a tone that corresponds perfectly with the natural harmony and rhythm of the cosmos, allows us to achieve higher levels of healing and consciousness. During a Sound Bath, you will feel calmer, happier and more relaxed; allowing you to enter a deeper state of meditation.

Learn More

Benefits of a Sound Bath

  • Harmonization & realignment of the body, mind & soul
  • Mind: focus, clarity, relaxation and finding calmness, creativity and concentration
  • Energetic: improve sleep, self confidence, self development, well-begin and sense of hearing
  • Physical: balance the immune system and blood pressure levels
  • Can assist with the realignment of the Chakras through difference frequencies attuned to each.
  • Has the ability to aid in the treatment of Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and disability cases

What to expect during a Shamanic Sound Bath

While every Sound Bath is different, there are some general things one can expect when attending a sound bath: Most sound bath programs last 30 to 60 minutes. The sessions are led by Laetitia who is a sound bath practitioner trained in how to use various instruments — gongs, chimes, tuning forks, singing bowls — to facilitate meditation, relaxation and, ultimately, healing.

A safe, nourishing environment for you to connect with yourself, and other people in deeper ways than one can usually access when by yourself. The group will be led through a cacao blessing, where they learn about the cacao they are drinking, and how it was prepared. The Shamanic ceremonial cacao that one drinks in a ceremony was sourced, made, and prepared with love and intention. The Shaman will guide the group through various exercises and experiences based on the intentions of the event. Some examples of guided experiences are guided meditations, sound journeys, spirit animal retrieval, and journaling.

The general arc of a sound bath is there is some sort of opening and setting of the container, a shared group experience, and then a closing where you give thanks, and acknowledge what the group created during that time.

Meet Your Hosts

Laetitia "ChononSoi"


Laetitia began studying traditional Amazonian medicine in 2010 followed by several long traditional diets immersed in the Amazon rainforest. She studied with different Shipibo Shamans in Europe and Peru becoming familiar with many Amazonian and European plant teachers. 

She lived in the jungles of Peru for 7 years, as well as with the Mayan tribes in Mexico, over the years improving her techniques in traditional medicine in community Shipibo and in different Centres of Medicine.

She also co-founded a Shamanic Healing Center, specializing in Amazonian plants, in Tarapoto, Peru in 2015. Now, leading several Shipibo, Cacao and CBD retreat groups in Peru and around the world.

As a certified Reiki Master and Sound Healer, she uses different instruments such as drums, Jew harps, and crystal bowls for working with the vibration of the body: the chakras, and all the energies of healing.

 "There is no organ system in the body that is not affected by sound, music, and vibration. You can look at disease as a form of disharmony." 

- Mitchell Gaynor 

This will be an intimate event with 8 limited spaces available.

Wednesday, May 17

Sound Bath Session



  • 1.5 hour Sound Bath Session

  • Guided Meditation