Intimate inner sound reset journey 


From Thursday, July 18th to Monday, July 22th 


in Parry Sound, Ontario 

Space limited to 5 or 6 people


What is Inner Sound?

Inner sound, often referred to as the symphony of one's thoughts or the quiet melody within, is the intricate tapestry of auditory sensations experienced within the realms of the mind. It encompasses the subtle echoes of memories, the rhythmic cadence of introspection, and the harmonious interplay of emotions. This internal symphony is uniquely personal, resonating with the individual's innermost thoughts, dreams, and contemplations. It serves as a constant companion, offering both solace and reflection in the silent corridors of the mind, where the vibrations of one's inner sound create an ever-evolving soundtrack to the journey of self-discovery.

Why Inner Sound?

Discover the transformative power of inner sound - a silent symphony that brings clarity, mindfulness, and harmony to the soul. Embrace the quiet melody within for a journey of self-discovery and inner peace.

Silent retreats offer a range of benefits, including enhanced self-awareness, reduced stress, improved concentration, and a deeper sense of inner peace. They provide an opportunity for introspection, mindfulness, and a break from the noise of daily life, fostering personal growth and mental well-being.

"True meditation has no direction or goal. It is pure wordless surrender” 


What is Sound Bath?

A Sound Healing Bath is an immersion of vibration, frequency and resonance.

With instruments specifically tuned to 432 Hertz, it creates a state of deep relaxation, for the harmonization of our body, mind and soul.

The frequency of 432 Hertz is known as the frequency of the Universe.

Using a tone that corresponds perfectly with the natural harmony and rhythm of the cosmos, allows us to achieve higher levels of healing and consciousness.

During a Sound Bath, you will feel calmer, happier and more relaxed; allowing you to enter a deeper state of meditation.


 "There is no organ system in the body that is not affected by sound, music, and vibration. You can look at disease as a form of disharmony." 

- Mitchell Gaynor 



This retreat includes:

Sound bath healing

Guided meditations

Flower Bath in nature

Exploration of breathwork

Holistic activities including journaling, gratitude exercises, and candle exercises

Cacao ceremony in the morning to set the intentions of the day

Sharing circle at the beginning and the end where we break the silence

Vegan Organic foods for lunch and snacks

Healy quantum frequency

Microdose mushroom Cacao In the 3 nights 


 "Explore the silence to connect with your inner self with the support of the sacred plants medicine, sound and frequencies."  


Meet Your Host

Laetitia "ChononSoi"


Laetitia began studying traditional Amazonian medicine in 2010 followed by several long traditional diets immersed in the Amazon rainforest. She studied with different Shipibo Shamans in Europe and Peru becoming familiar with many Amazonian and European plant teachers. 

She lived in the jungles of Peru for 7 years, as well as with the Mayan tribes in Mexico, over the years improving her techniques in traditional medicine in community Shipibo and in different Centres of Medicine.

She also co-founded a Shamanic Healing Center, specializing in Amazonian plants, in Tarapoto, Peru in 2015. Now, leading several Shipibo, Cacao and CBD retreat groups in Peru and around the world.

As a certified Reiki Master and Sound Healer, she uses different instruments such as drums, Jew harps, and crystal bowls for working with the vibration of the body: the chakras, and all the energies of healing.

Michael "Birin Soi" D.O. (MP)

Michael is an Osteopath who has dedicated his entire 30 plus year career to the services of others. Michael teaches Osteopathy internationally and works at a respected psychiatric hospital. Throughout his career, he has worked with a wide range of clients with a diverse range of maladies. From terminal cancer patients to NHL hockey players, professional actors and dancers as well as others living with chronic diseases like ALS and MS.

From the Founder of the Osteopathic College of Ontario, “ Michael has the best pair of hands he has ever trained”.
Michael’s current passion is in field of Cranial Osteopathy, made popular under the term “Cranial Sacral Therapy. This can be defined as “a holistic healing practice that uses very light touching to balance the craniosacral system in the body, which includes the bones, nerves, fluids, and connective tissues of the cranium and spinal area with the goal to awaken the body's own self-healing potential”.

Michael is currently an apprentice of the traditional Shipibo plant medicines and believes the fusion of this medicine will lead to a greater understanding of healing.

Learn More

This semi-private journey will be an intimate event with 5 or 6 limited spaces available.

From Thursday, July 18th to Monday, July 22th 

Day starts at 9 am to 6 pm 




-Guided meditations

-Sound bath healing

-Cacao ceremony in the morning to set the intentions of the day

-Microdose Psilocybin Cacao Ceremony on 3 nights

-Flower Bath in the nature

Holistic activities including journaling, gratitude exercises, and candle exercises

-Exploration of breathwork

-Sharing circle at the beginning and the end where we break the silence

-Vegan Organic foods for lunch and snacks

-Healy quantum frequency ( option to sleep in the ceremony room with other attendees)



-Hotel or accommodation for the night 

-Breakfast or dinner